

Doses for: 4 people

Preparation: 15 minutes

Difficulty: Easy


For the omelette

  • 8 whole eggs

  • 50 g of Grana Padano DOP to grate

  • Fine salt to taste

  • Black pepper to taste

  • Extra virgin olive oil for the baking tray to taste

For the filling

  • 120 g of sliced Prosciutto Crudo di Parma San Francesco

  • 30 g of rocket

  • 230 g of smoked scamorza (provola) cheese

  • 100 g of rocket pesto

For the rocket pesto

  • 25 g of rocket

  • 15 g of Grana Padano DOP to grate

  • 15 g of grated Roman pecorino cheese

  • 12 g of pine nuts

  • 1 garlic glove

  • 40 g of extra vergin olive oil 

  • Fine salt to taste


  • To prepare the filled omelette roll, start by preparing the rocket pesto for the filling. Thoroughly wash the rocket under running water, then dry it and transfer it to the mixer. Add the pine nuts, grated Grana Padano cheese, pecorino cheese, peeled garlic clove and salt.
  • Blend everything at low speed, gradually adding the remaining extra virgin olive oil until you obtain a well-blended, fluid cream. Once ready, set the rocket pesto aside and move on to the preparation of the omelette.
  • Beat the eggs in a bowl and add salt, pepper and grated cheese. Take a baking tray, line it with baking paper and brush it lightly with oil. Pour the egg mixture into the baking dish and bake in a static oven preheated to 180°C for about 15 minutes, or in a ventilated oven at 160°C for 5-8 minutes.
  • Once cooked, remove the omelette from the baking tray, transfer it to a cutting board covered with cling film. Turn the baking tray over onto the omelette, gently remove the baking paper and leave to cool.
  • Once cool, stuff the omelette with the scamorza cheese slices and spread the previously prepared rocket pesto on top. Add the washed rocket leaves and finally spread a layer of Prosciutto Crudo San Francesco.
  • Roll up the omelette and wrap it tightly with cling film, trying to make it firm. Place the stuffed omelette roll in the refrigerator for at least an hour to firm up and flavour.
  • After the resting time, gently remove the cling film from the roll, cut into slices and your delicious filled omelette roll is ready to be enjoyed!


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